Adding Value as a mentor| Mentoring Best Practices|

As a mentor its always great to see the mentee prosper in their respective goals and aspirations. However recently when I read the book Atomic Habits by James clear, I felt as mentors we need to focus more on systems of habit rather than accomplishments. Systems are what creates identities and long term gratification and progress rather than some temporary deja-vu.


A lot gets debated and discussed on client delight and experience. However, the ground rules for all client engagement starts with intent. Whether internal or external clients(your employees or your end clients) the intent plays a critical role. When we prioritize our needs over client needs we automatically build room for doubt in the client’sContinue reading “CLIENT DELIGHT STARTS WITH INTENT|”


Every person in this world has something to say and contribute to the world at large. However often we fall into a trap of feeling that all has already been said or done. The biggest reason for our existence is to exchange our thoughts and build a community of free-thinking beings. To find your voiceContinue reading “FIND YOUR VOICE| EVERY CONTRIBUTION IS UNIQUE|”


Have you ever wondered why Purpose and meaning in life are the ingredients based on which your WELLBEING AND HAPPINESS IS BUILT? The clarity in what adds context and meaning to your life can also help us design our life for phenomenal success. Whether you are a Leader -An entrepreneur or a Professional, understanding theContinue reading “FINDING MEANING & PURPOSE| WHAT’S YOUR WHY!|”


In an age of TRPs and stars, it is difficult to practice freedom of expression, without being judged. Recently, when I met some friends and industry colleagues, we resonated on the same thought, life is more than following the cheese!! It is more about finding your voice and expressing the same with your tribe. TheContinue reading “SETTING WISE BOUNDARIES| FINDING YOUR VOICE|”

How To Have a Coaching Conversation|3 aspects to Judge if you need to have a coaching conversation|

Coaching conversations are not just for your coachees, it’s also something that can support your leadership and personal goal outcomes. Coaching can help you take a step back and honor every person around you and their perspectives. Very often winning leaders are addicted to their wins and have little appetite for failures, this limits theirContinue reading “How To Have a Coaching Conversation|3 aspects to Judge if you need to have a coaching conversation|”

Getting the Best out of Mentorship| Mentorship as a tool|

Mentorship is a contact sport thus engagement of the mentees is as important as the mentor. The outcomes work best when the mentor and mentee actively work on finding the best methods and paths for goal accomplishment. For effective journey the mentees role is as important as the mentors. Like they say that the rightContinue reading “Getting the Best out of Mentorship| Mentorship as a tool|”

Rajiv Mathur Ex-IPS|Ideal Person to be celebrated on Teacher’s DAY|Pro-Chancellor Rawatpura Sarkar University

Rajivji is an inspiration in the way he has groomed his daughters and led the forces in the past. He currently leads academia as Chancellor of Shri Rawatpura Sarkar University Raipur! A gold medalist from Allahabad University; Rajiv Mathur has done MSc Physics and MA History from Allahabad University. He has been across the worldContinue reading “Rajiv Mathur Ex-IPS|Ideal Person to be celebrated on Teacher’s DAY|Pro-Chancellor Rawatpura Sarkar University”

Your turn to MESMERISE YOUR AUDIENCE| Transfer Knowledge -Skill to Your people|

Want to become a Master Trainer, mentor and great communicator? Have you ever been overwhelmed with number of people sitting in the audience or asking questions? Does designing the best presentations for knowledge -skill or information bother you? If the answer to the above questions is ”YES’ Then this masterclass is for you! It’s aContinue reading “Your turn to MESMERISE YOUR AUDIENCE| Transfer Knowledge -Skill to Your people|”

Mentoring Essentials| How a mentor can transform your trajectory|

Mentoring has always been a great way to manage your career and life journey. Mentoring gives long term benefit and also needs to be evaluated from time to time, as the need of a specific specialist changes in accordance to the life journey. Mentoring can also augment your career growth -confidence and job outcomes. HoweverContinue reading “Mentoring Essentials| How a mentor can transform your trajectory|”

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