Getting the Best out of Mentorship| Mentorship as a tool|

Mentoring Journey

Mentorship is a contact sport thus engagement of the mentees is as important as the mentor. The outcomes work best when the mentor and mentee actively work on finding the best methods and paths for goal accomplishment. For effective journey the mentees role is as important as the mentors. Like they say that the right teacher or the mentor arrives when the student is ready. Thus the student or the mentee actually attracts the right teacher-mentor in life.

6 Traits that can help you get best of Mentorship are:

  1. Patience : Committing to the mentorship journey requires patience. When you set your vision for yourself, the milestones are achieved over a period of time and not over night. Thus real goal accomplishments generally take years and not weeks, and one needs to be in it for a long haul.
  2. Transparency: Also important to share the long term and short term goals with complete transparency and trust. This also helps to nurture this long term relationship for best outcomes. If there is constant doubt then the journey gets disrupted. Thus having candid discussions helps the relationship flourish with best outcomes.
  3. Open to Receiving and Giving Feedback -Evaluating the outcomes from time to time and also understanding the shortfalls can go a long way in getting the best results. Marshall Goldsmith’s book, ‘What got you here wont get you there’ is the best book that can support your understanding of how arrogance of your success can ruin your growth and moving to larger potentials as a leader.
  4. Purpose Clarity -Clarity in purpose towards the mentoring journey is the compass to success. Devising an action plan that is headed to the goals and purpose is very critical for the outcomes to be realised
  5. Personal Reflection before the mentoring -coaching sessions – Prior to every session one needs to evaluate the overall progress and roadblocks to better use the coaching -mentoring conversations. This also helps in understanding if the mentoring dialogue is taking you towards your goals.
  6. Celebrating Small milestones -Its also important to acknowledge self and the mentor from time to time to stay motivated towards the long term goals and overall purpose. This also helps the team gear up for larger goals and accomplishments in future and also build a meaningful journey. Todd’s book Every Little Win: How Celebrating Small Victories Can Lead to Big Joy is very helpful to get started.

What are you short term and long term goals? What’s your life purpose? Do you have a mentor who can support your journey? Ask for a chemistry session in the link below.

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Published by Dr.Sonali Dutta Baanerjee

Executive Coach, Leadership Facilitator, Human capital Strategist, Author, Mentor, NLP Master Practitioner, L&OD Consultant

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