Executive coaching has become an immensely popular tool for goal achievement in the industry today. However a lot of the coach hiring happens only via agencies or TRP ratings of social media and not through interactive evaluation. It remains an unregulated industry in which anyone can suddenly decide they want to call themselves a coachContinue reading “6 ASPECTS TO CHECK WHILE HIRING AN EXECUTIVE COACH|”

Getting the Best out of Mentorship| Mentorship as a tool|

Mentorship is a contact sport thus engagement of the mentees is as important as the mentor. The outcomes work best when the mentor and mentee actively work on finding the best methods and paths for goal accomplishment. For effective journey the mentees role is as important as the mentors. Like they say that the rightContinue reading “Getting the Best out of Mentorship| Mentorship as a tool|”

Human Capital Team’s role in New Normal| People as capital|

In the knowledge economy, people are the capital of an organization. Even post-pandemic many organizations are struggling in context to keeping their workforces productive while some other organizations are leveraging the work from home mechanism to reduce costs and increase profit margins. In the new normal post-pandemic, 60% of the global workforce is working fromContinue reading “Human Capital Team’s role in New Normal| People as capital|”

Ganesha- A Symbol of True Leadership Values|Lessons for all walks of life|

As per Hindu tradition, Lord Ganesha is the formless Divinity – encapsulated in a magnificent form, for the benefit of the devotee. Son of Shiva and Parvathi he symbolises supreme consciousness and omnipresence. Gan means group, and this supreme group of existence is governed by Lord Ganesha. As the symbol of supreme consciousness he is all pervading andContinue reading “Ganesha- A Symbol of True Leadership Values|Lessons for all walks of life|”

Rajiv Mathur Ex-IPS|Ideal Person to be celebrated on Teacher’s DAY|Pro-Chancellor Rawatpura Sarkar University

Rajivji is an inspiration in the way he has groomed his daughters and led the forces in the past. He currently leads academia as Chancellor of Shri Rawatpura Sarkar University Raipur! A gold medalist from Allahabad University; Rajiv Mathur has done MSc Physics and MA History from Allahabad University. He has been across the worldContinue reading “Rajiv Mathur Ex-IPS|Ideal Person to be celebrated on Teacher’s DAY|Pro-Chancellor Rawatpura Sarkar University”

Impact of Parenting on Personal & Professional life| Leverage Successful Techniques|

There is no college degree or formal workshop for Parenting, yet it’s the foundation of SUCCESS for every Professional or Performer in our society. Parenting is the art and science, of nurturing the best citizens for a country and also the best contributor in a company … beyond the beautiful relationship of the parent andContinue reading “Impact of Parenting on Personal & Professional life| Leverage Successful Techniques|”

Growth Mindset| Outcomes of Design Thinking| Unboxing Yourself For Leverage|

Growth Mindset research perspectives by Carol Dweck reveals about underlying beliefs people have about learning and intelligence. When students believe they can get smarter, they understand that effort makes them stronger. The mind plays a quintessential role in the existence of humanity. Spiritualists, psychiatrist and institutional theorists have been studying the mind for a veryContinue reading “Growth Mindset| Outcomes of Design Thinking| Unboxing Yourself For Leverage|”

Happy Independence Day|Nation Building Via Mentoring| Tribute to All Mentors|

Success Studios Awards is a way to recognise the genius in each one around us. Sharing our first Award Category for mentors from various walks of life. We are planning many more upcoming awards to felicitate Senior Citizens – Mentors – Coaches and champions by their own right!!! We look forward to see you on the stage!!!

International Youth Day| YouTH -Transforming Talent|

YouTH a program to transform the way we look at CAREER -ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND YOUTH Development. The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination. Albert Einstein Our Youth population is our biggest STRENGTH & ASSET in India! As against nations like Japan -Germany -Europe where the biggest challenge is the aging population, we areContinue reading “International Youth Day| YouTH -Transforming Talent|”

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