Have you ever wondered why Purpose and meaning in life are the ingredients based on which your WELLBEING AND HAPPINESS IS BUILT? The clarity in what adds context and meaning to your life can also help us design our life for phenomenal success. Whether you are a Leader -An entrepreneur or a Professional, understanding theContinue reading “FINDING MEANING & PURPOSE| WHAT’S YOUR WHY!|”


A story our late President and missile man Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam was particularly fond of related to the launch of a satellite by the Indian Space Research Organisation in July 1979. Kalam was in charge of the project at ISRO and when some members expressed reservations about its readiness, he overruled them and orderedContinue reading “ACCOUNTABILITY IN LEADERSHIP| ACCOUNTABILITY QUOTIENT|”

‘Tribute to Teachers’ Share Your Story with us!

India celebrates 5th September as Teachers’ Day, to commemorate the birth anniversary of Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. He was the first Vice- President, and second President of independent India, a renowned scholar and recipient of Bharat Ratna, the highest civilian award in the country. Dr Radhakrishnan was a brilliant student, and a great teacher. Teachers playContinue reading “‘Tribute to Teachers’ Share Your Story with us!”

Happy Independence Day|Nation Building Via Mentoring| Tribute to All Mentors|

Success Studios Awards is a way to recognise the genius in each one around us. Sharing our first Award Category for mentors from various walks of life. We are planning many more upcoming awards to felicitate Senior Citizens – Mentors – Coaches and champions by their own right!!! We look forward to see you on the stage!!!

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