Colours to brighten|Shades of life

Colours you wear everyday has an impact on your mood and outcomes. How do you think you can work it for your favour… To know more lets explore. There is no denying the link between colors and our emotions, and we even have an abundance of idioms to show what way each color can affectContinue reading “Colours to brighten|Shades of life”


Striking a balance between Task oriented and people oriented is always a tough one. People and task are two sides of the same coin in leadership success. Balancing company objectives and people needs is the responsibility of every leader. Managing dead lines and employee welfare at the same time is sometimes the biggest challenge that every leader faces. Can one prioritise one and work without balancing is a question yet to be answered.


The  new normal after the covid times, has made virtual, self paced, and online sessions, mandatory not only in work environment but also academia. Creating an immersive online solution is one of the most difficult challenges that an instructional designer faces today.  The obvious methods focus on telling -asking and performing; which at times becomesContinue reading “LEARNER ENGAGEMENT| IMMERSIVE SKILL TRANSFER|”

Communication Excellence for Leadership Impact|

Communication is an indispensable element in human world, our expression through words, gestures or even thinking has an overall impact on us and our fellow beings. The term ‘communication’ is derived from the Latin word ‘communis‘, which means common. Therefore, communication is defined as an exchange of facts, ideas, opinions, or emotions to create mutual understanding. It is the sum of all things one person does in order to create understanding in the minds of others. However the fundamentals of communication is to derive the best outcomes in our ecosystem.

4Laws to build Effective Habits| Atomic Habits

Recently when I was on a vacation with my friends I came across this book, Atomic Habit by James Clear. It was an amazing experience reading and learning the simple nuances of transforming life by adopting effective habits and abandoning the bad ones. We truly are a product of our habits. Thus life transformation can only happen through habit changes or modifications.

Adding Value as a mentor| Mentoring Best Practices|

As a mentor its always great to see the mentee prosper in their respective goals and aspirations. However recently when I read the book Atomic Habits by James clear, I felt as mentors we need to focus more on systems of habit rather than accomplishments. Systems are what creates identities and long term gratification and progress rather than some temporary deja-vu.

Partnership| Shared Leadership & Mutual Trust & Respect|

Trusted partnership and shared leadership is most critical aspects of team work. With 29 years in marriage and more than two decades of work life, it feels great to have trusted team members to turn to everyday at work and also at home! It does. take a lot of nurturing and patience to build the same …

Trust Selling|A Way to Operate in Life|

During my recent conversations with senior leadership, I came across. this age old. formula. for sales. And this turned out to be such an eye opener. Often times in. life we. think that strategy is more of manipulation than building predictable systems. Whether its Leadership -Parenting or even social behaviours and relationships, trust is the building block for a lasting impact. The best example that I could ever think of was of how switching lanes while driving we use car indicators to share our plans with our fellow drivers and pedestrians. Just like a wrong indicator can cause damage to people around similarly breaching trust in leadership -sales -personal relationships can cause turmoils. Thus agreeing on ground rules from time to time to avoid exigencies is always a good idea.

Lessons from Turning Red|Handling Emotions|

Being assertive and expressing yourself is an important aspect of building your emotional intelligence. Turning Red is a brilliant movie that conveys the fact that we all have a panda inside us that we need to unleash from time to time.

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