25 Forgiveness Quotes That'll Help You Move On

Forgiveness as a leader is an important attribute to nurture. Sometimes we find it difficult to forgive and the hurt or anger lingers to create further damage. John Hopkins studies have found that the act of forgiveness can reap huge rewards for your health, lowering the risk of heart attack; improving cholesterol levels and sleep; and reducing pain, blood pressure, and levels of anxiety, depression, and stress.

Dr. Tyler VanderWeele, co-director of the Initiative on Health, Religion, and Spirituality at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health has done extensive research on Forgiveness and its wellness impact. He states if someone is rude or cuts you off in traffic, use that moment to recognize the wrong, realize it wasn’t directed at you, and forgive him or her on the spot.

It does take time and effort to practice forgiveness. I feel more energised as I’m quick to forgive through extensive psychotherapy and continuous spiritual practice, I’ve mastered releasing anger, living from a place of empathy, and accepting that we all are flawed in some ways. Sometimes it needs more to extend the same compassion to myself.

Leadership growth needs a lot of forgiveness to uphold the values of a true leader. One of the most courageous acts of leadership is to forgo the temptation to take revenge on those on the other side of an issue. The most important aspect of making mistakes is to own them and learn from them so we don’t repeat them. This is how we move forward, rather than staying in the past.

We discover grace in forgiveness, as it unburdens the baggage we carry with us when we are forgiven, and when we forgive. Carrying guilt or hatred can sabotage your growth journey in life. We all can inculcate the power of forgiveness through conscious efforts and awareness.

6 Ways to forgive self and others –

  1. Awareness of Your Environment -Too often we hurt others due to our sheer ignorance or lack of empathy. The ability to understand other personality types and adapt is an important part of forgiveness and consciousness. When you are present to yourself and to those around you, you are conscious of your choices and actions. ”To Err is Human and forgive is Divine”…however, to be Aware and Avoid the trap is even better.
  2. Accept The Mistake & Imperfections -It’s easy to justify our actions or to blame others for our mistakes. Take responsibility for your decisions and you empower yourself to choose wisely. This requires that you face your faults and tend to that wound so that you can begin to heal. Do this with an open heart and allow self-love to flow so forgiveness may transform the pain into peace. We also need to accept our ecosystem of imperfections.
  3. Appreciating the experience -To be able to appreciate the experience is the first step to growth. Growth is not static all happy phase, it does take us through loads of challenges and struggle, to carve out the best in us.
  4. Wisdom over Emotional Attachment -Forgiveness means wellbeing, letting go, feeling blissful, and creating a better quality of life. Thus even if it’s difficult it brings the best outcomes. Thus living with more wisdom and less emotional attachment to something that is not working for you, is the way forward. In NLP, one of the tools is Empowering Belief Vs Disempowering beliefs. Anything which makes you feel disempowered needs to be offloaded is the principle that can help you forgive!
  5. Mindful Breathing -Through mindfulness breathing, you begin to recognize the impermanence of things so you can make healthier choices. Nothing lasts forever, whether it’s joy or sadness. Sometimes we have to endure the discomfort of the moment by breathing through it until it passes.
  6. Need to Progress -You can’t progress in your life carrying the weight of your mistakes or holding something against someone. Imagine building a mountain out of all the wrong treatments you have received or given…it all holds you down. Letting go can be fresh and forgiveness can be freedom from all the malice…

It’s a nice space to be in while we practice these ways of forgiveness as life still puts us in mess sometimes!! I’ve learned to forgive myself and others, have adopted practices that help prevent guilt, regret, and anger!

How difficult is it to forgive yourself or others? How do you feel once you forgive? How aware are you of your disempowering thoughts? Do share with us your ways to practice forgiveness.

Published by Dr.Sonali Dutta Baanerjee

Executive Coach, Leadership Facilitator, Human capital Strategist, Author, Mentor, NLP Master Practitioner, L&OD Consultant

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