Ganesha- A Symbol of True Leadership Values|Lessons for all walks of life|

Ganesha Symbol of True Leadership Values

As per Hindu tradition, Lord Ganesha is the formless Divinity – encapsulated in a magnificent form, for the benefit of the devotee. Son of Shiva and Parvathi he symbolises supreme consciousness and omnipresence. Gan means group, and this supreme group of existence is governed by Lord Ganesha. As the symbol of supreme consciousness he is all pervading and brings order to this universe. Ganesha is the energy from which everything manifests and into which everything will dissolve.

11 Leadership values represented by Lord Ganesha that can empower anyone in pursuit of excellence are:

  1. Ganesha’s big ears signify great listening skills. Elephant’s ear makes an ideal combination for a strategic leader, as he needs to listen to everything with a calm mind. An elephant listens more and listens better with its large and sensitive ears, indicating that a true leader pays detailed attention to everything from small to large. Listening makes a leader empathetic and also gives the finer details he needs for execution.
  2. Ganesha’s big belly represents generosity and total acceptance. As a leader, if one is not able to let go of disempowering thoughts -emotions -experiences, one would not be able to assume the value of total acceptance and generosity which is the foundation of the leadership journey. The stomach also signifies that one can digest all good and bad in the ecosystem and thereby appreciate and create more good for all. A strategic leader should have a very fat stomach so that he can digest all confidential information and secrets shared with him by others. He should have the capacity to maintain trust and confidentiality with his peers and team.
  3. Ganesha also has a single tusk which signifying retain good and throw away bad. When we as leaders can filter the good from the noise we are creating a positive environment for our people where they can see the best of everything and emulate the same; rather than get swayed by the negatives.
  4. Ganesha has Four Human hands. It symbolises that strategic leaders should focus on all aspects of the business, ‘Dharma’, ‘Artha’, ‘Kama’, ‘Moksha’, in other words, rightfulness, profitability, happiness, and in sync with the vision. All four aspects should be targeted to achieve long-term success for a strategic leader. The leader needs to constantly protect the welfare of his followers and community. The hands also signify; that we have all come from the earth and need to merge with the same one day, and our pride in anything is futile.
  5. Ganesha holds modaka as a symbol of reward for sadhana and excellence. As a leader, one needs to  reward the right behaviours and actions, to ensure the best practices to be upheld.
  6. Ganesha, the elephant-headed God travel on something as small as a mouse…This too is a representation of strong willpower to abstain from an untamed desire that can cause disharmony. The mouse also snips and nibbles away at ropes that bind. The mouse is like the mantra which can cut through sheaths and sheaths of ignorance, leading to the ultimate knowledge represented by Ganesha!
  7. Ganesha also has prasada at his feet signifying he has the ability to serve the whole world with his wisdom. As a leader if one is not able to serve others one is not doing justice to their role. Creating more leaders and also granting opportunity is the sign of a true leader.
  8. Ganesha’s trunk signifies high efficiency and adaptability. The leader’s efficiency and adaptability to the diverse experiences and people types is true testimony of his potential to create for all in spite of challenges around.
  9. Ganesha’s small mouth signifies talking less.  Leaders need to talk less and create more action in their environment. Leaders need to focus more on their actions and deeds, to drive a culture of action speaks louder than words.
  10. Ganesha’s small eyes signify his eye for details. The leader too needs to nurture this value to ensure observation of what transpires around and make the best possibilities for his team. The eyes of an elephant are located on the sides of the head and therefore provide better vision. A strategic leader must have more clarity during the crisis or uncertain times, meaning that he should provide direction and vision to his team during uncertain times.
  11. Ganesha’s big head is a representation of thinking big. The brain of an elephant is heavier than a man’s. They show grief, humour, compassion, cooperation, self-awareness, tool use, playfulness, and excellent learning abilities. So, the elephant’s head represents emotional intelligence. Elephants have a delicate head so unlike other animals, they avoid head-on collisions. This is an indication that a leader must not indulge in conflicts when provoked by others. A leader’s vision is the way to great performances -potentials -productivity and prosperity for all.

Our ancient Rishis were so deeply intelligent that they chose to express Divinity in terms of symbols rather than words since words change over time, but symbols remain unchanged.

Let us keep the deep symbolism in mind as we experience the omnipresent in the form of the elephant God, yet be fully aware that Ganesha is very much within us. 

Do share your perspectives with us? Which values of these do you think you are already practicing? How do you think these values can help you in your leadership journey?

Published by Dr.Sonali Dutta Baanerjee

Executive Coach, Leadership Facilitator, Human capital Strategist, Author, Mentor, NLP Master Practitioner, L&OD Consultant

One thought on “Ganesha- A Symbol of True Leadership Values|Lessons for all walks of life|

  1. This is just marvelous…Come to think of it, Lord Ganesha is an epitome of all the eleven facets of Leadership, in addition to countless positive attributes worth emulating. Thank you, Sonali, for such an enlightening post.

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