Branding With A PURPOSE| Quick Insight to Branding with Sudarshan|

Branding A Transformational Tool

People don’t buy what you do they buy why you do it. We all are aware of many thought leaders who have revealed this marketing MANTRA OF KNOWING YOUR WHY! However defining THE WHY is one of the most difficult things in life. Success stories like Apple and the Wright brothers, explaining how their pursuit of the Why rather than the What, has inspired many to explore the dark tunnel of HOPE AS AN ENTREPRENEUR, away from the comfort of the corner offices…Are you one of them then you can sure take it to the next level with this quick sharing on the #Ask SonaliD Show: With Sudarshan! An insightful conversation that sure resonated with some of my ideologies; am sure they would be very supportive to you too.

Also BRAND mentoring session/class with Sudarshan is available on our websites and open for booking

What Can WHY Do For You?

The language of the Why, also known as your brand purpose, creates connections. It is defined as the reason you exist beyond the drive to make money. It appeals to the part of the brain that drives action. By leading with your Why and following with the What and the How, you hook your audience with emotion and follow with the facts, benefits, and details allowing them to rationalise the action. Some of the best examples we heard of during the interaction with Sudarshan were SWEAT WITH PRIDE, Strikers Studios For Surgeons…Watch to know more! How few simple brainstorming sessions got the killer statements and how you can do it too!

Whether you are LEADER -ENTREPRENEUR -GENIUS in your own DOMAIN…You need to work on your long term branding strategy, if you want to be the best GIVER -PERFORMER and REINVENTING yourself in accordance to times.

What is Your Why?

Finding your Why isn’t simple. Audiences are smart, so it works only when you are authentic. Your vision -mission -values -goals -service or products need to be in sync with your WHY. The WHY starts foundation and then rest follows. The Why can be seemingly nebulous and existential, but by asking the right questions, you can start your journey.

How to Find Your Why

To find your WHY, you need to dig deep and wide. The process should involve YOUR COMMUNITY (members, leadership, customers, data, service and product experience, people associated with you and your journey directly or indirectly) — all that comprise your brand experience. Norms in the industry are great indicators around what is driving action and connection in your audiences. Looking at your industry can also help you identify gaps in your communication, uncovering the emotional impact of what you’re delivering. Thus considering your leadership team, employees/partners/vendors/people who support your journey affiliates, customers, are together the ecosystem that matters in your journey of building your brand.

Customers are the individuals who need to buy into your Why. They’re the ones who need to be moved to action above anyone else. They can help you see beyond the company line to determine what it really is that your brand brings to the table.

Once you’ve sifted through all these perspectives, you can start pulling together common threads. Maybe your products simplify the lives of your customers. Maybe they renew excitement in the hearts and minds of your audiences and employees. Maybe there is a sense of empathy for those experiencing difficult times. Identify these threads and start weaving them into your Why.

What’s your WHY? Are you communicating to your stakeholders -decision-makers and also ecosystem -community? What is the PURPOSE behind your brand and how do you want to truly GIVE and create a pedestal? How do you want to create a legacy for what you build that others can build on? If you want to answer some of these questions do register for upcoming branding course and also 121 session available in the link below.

Published by Dr.Sonali Dutta Baanerjee

Executive Coach, Leadership Facilitator, Human capital Strategist, Author, Mentor, NLP Master Practitioner, L&OD Consultant

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