Happy Independence Day|Nation Building Via Mentoring| Tribute to All Mentors|

On the occasion of 75th Independence Day of India, we would like to convey our heartiest gratitude to all the members and mentors associated with Success Studios. Mentors participation in the nation building initiatives, through Skill -Knowledge and Experience sharing on various Success Studios Platforms including the channel -website and live programs is very much appreciated. On this momentous occasion we celebrate serving as Teachers -Parents -Coaches & Mentors. Dronacharya was a father figure apart from being a guide -mentor and coach…Thus all mentors hat different roles as an EXPERT -FACILITATOR-COACH and sometimes even as consultant. The nation sees champions only when the mentors are excited about their contribution; which also needs to be applauded from time to time. As a part of animal kingdom and a social being we need the emotional touch of our community most importantly to appreciate our service -work and role!!! Thus we at Success Studios created this new initiative to celebrate all our PARTNERS -AFFILIATES -MENTORS-EXPERTS-ADVISORS and also scouting for more who would like to join this MOVEMENT OF MENTORS towards NATION BUILDING and being a GLOBAL workforce.

It gives us great pleasure to recognise all our mentors, as we usher in more enthusiastic talent supporting our journey. Every mentor is contributing not only to nation building through these programs, they are also available for mentoring projects in academia and organisations. Along side we are also building e-learning & mobile learning initiatives, along with our experts. This would soon be accessible to all!!

If you are an expert -mentor -facilitator or coach do feel free to get in touch with us to support our initiatives and also participate in our events-programs. consulting initiatives and Mentors movement to celebrate our Commitment towards Nation Building.

Some of our Community Teachers -Mentors -Coaches have also shared their opinion-vision with regards to Freedom -Nation Building -Skill Development -Mentoring, SHARING THE SAME WITH you on occasion of starting our 75th year of Independence…

Nation Building Vision of Mentors in OUR COMMUNITY…

This being the Independence Day month we look forward to your perspectives -VISION and thoughts on NATION -ORGANISATION -FAMILY nurturing and building…through the month.

Published by Dr.Sonali Dutta Baanerjee

Executive Coach, Leadership Facilitator, Human capital Strategist, Author, Mentor, NLP Master Practitioner, L&OD Consultant

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