We are extremely privileged to be born in an era where the gender discrimination has reduced to a great extent. In fact even when people talk of equality it sounds odd. While men and women have equal opportunities, they will always remain different from each other. It’s more like being a part of something that becomes a whole when they come together.

The 2022 IWD theme Break the Bias, is more to reiterate what is mostly established in educated and emancipated workspaces, homes, and ecosystems. The strides that have been taken in yesteryears have won great leaps for our freedom of expression – existence -exposure!!

Recently when I was watching Dev DD2 a webseries on Zee5, ( sequal and a female version of Dev D) I realised that along with gender stereotypes we also need to break free from many other social constructs which are defined as success for both the genders!! New age parents are slowly graduating to play the role of a companion rather than a commander who fails to build an emotional bridge. Our society is transforming at a rapid speed and so is our value mechanism. Thus the better we understand our millennials the more we can leverage their talents for a better tomorrow.

Both professionally and personally breaking the bias can be a mutually enriching experience. We all are uniquely abled and there is no requirement for our gender to decide our passions – professions or even our performance!!!

As long as we conduct ourselves with this belief mechanism of acceptance towards others we have played the perfect role of doing our bit. Most often while engaging in the movement we forget that the first step starts with our own actions and beliefs…as long as we are willing to break the bias, and be the change we are seeking; we sure can be the best contributor!!!

What do you feel about this theme of break the bias? What is your role as a man or woman? How would you like to play your role? Do share with us your story of being the catalyst in this journey.

Published by Dr.Sonali Dutta Baanerjee

Executive Coach, Leadership Facilitator, Human capital Strategist, Author, Mentor, NLP Master Practitioner, L&OD Consultant

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