“Women are the real architects of society”- Harriet Beecher.

As a third female child in the family, I often asked my mother if she was happy with my birth!!! In our society even today, a girl child is often taken to be a disadvantage. Wonder how can humanity continue without the existence of both men and women. Then why this intense fear of bringing up a girl child. While we have come a long way from ‘SATI‘ and ‘female foeticide‘ its time we start celebrating not just a female child but BEING A WOMAN!

For a long time I felt that I would prefer being born as a ‘man’ in my next life!! However with every experience at work -at home -in our social setting I realised that every woman has the ability to bring in CHANGE in our society and our perspectives. Of course the moment I had my daughter I had to become a role model who was PROUD OF BEING A WOMAN!!

Women are incredible contributors to talent, knowledge, and discoveries in almost every field and made history, apart from being the foundation of a happy home in every geography! In my book 9 SUCCESS MANTRA DEMYSTIFIED, I have spoken about 100 women who have contributed to success of their families, organizations, and for society at large. The biggest social proof of a woman’s success or disaster is when her name is called out every-time something goes wrong!! Though this is very annoying, as when things go right her presence is not felt or recognised… nonetheless, we need to acknowledge how important her role in society is that for anything gone wrong she is the one responsible!! Whether as a professional or mother-wife -daughter -sister or girl friend, she makes a great impact.

It’s time to give a pat at the back, and embrace yourself as flesh and blood person, who can make mistakes, emotional yet strong when situations demand and feel the wings which are always there to support your flight!! In fact its time to play the role of change maker to the core and BREAK ALL BIASES. (also the theme of 2022 International Women’s Day) As a nucleus of family and society its time to rise to the occasion and take the support of your better half to nurture a society without biases, gender discrimination, female foeticide, or any form of disrespect for the other.

There was a time when women had to fight for mere rights like the right to education, or just the right to speak up for the injustice even within their family. Well, all this can literally start a debate right now.  But the wave of change has started, and women no longer remain the names of the household. Thus we celebrate WOMENS DAY, to celebrate all the women in remarkable ways. So, let us take this opportunity to echo the desire of every woman around us to be respected for her role, work, contribution, emotions or even her existence.

There are many famous women amongst us and not so well known names…however their phenomenal struggle everyday to balance humongous expectations out of them, is a less known phenomenon. Whether she is Mamta Banerjee (Chief Minister of Bengal), Mother Teresa (Nun & Saint, Social Worker ), Sania Mirza (Tennis Champion), Sindhu (Badminton Olympic Medalist), Tessy Thomas (Missile Woman of India), Bhawana Kanth (First Fighter Pilot) and countless professional names along side millions of home makers who support the dreams of their family from the background are all remarkable WOMEN OF SUBSTANCE, who SMILE through STRUGGLE everyday to develop their muscle for PERSISTENCE -PERFORMANCE -PRODUCTIVITY-PEACE, while silently enduring their pain. In fact she needs no PERMISSION to feel the halo that surrounds her, she has earned it with all her myriad of experiences of life.

Are you a woman of substance who has developed these muscles? Are you enjoying your role as woman? As a man do you think you are great team player with her, while ushering in a new era of celebration of being different and not equal? Are you allowing her still, or are you aware that it’s her choice and best you can do is to support her voice?

We have an upcoming program for women leaders –SHIFTING THE GLASS CEILING, a program that helps you create balance and experience the WINGS that is there in WOMAN 2.0 of 21st century. With this program you also get two books 9 Success Mantra and Wings Within Me. Register Today, to UNLESH your POTENTIAL! For more information write to us –support@success-studios.com

Published by Dr.Sonali Dutta Baanerjee

Executive Coach, Leadership Facilitator, Human capital Strategist, Author, Mentor, NLP Master Practitioner, L&OD Consultant


  1. A superb exposition on ‘Womanhood’.

    A woman represents marvelous Divine art. That, she is endowed with values and virtues which are legion, makes her unique.

    Sonali…you have rendered yeomen service to womanhood with the authoring of this blog.

    Liked by 2 people

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