In a world where everyone is obsessed with their growth-prosperity -abundance, finding people who are genuinely supportive of your aspirations is difficult to find. If you want to be more successful, one of the most fundamental things to do is to build a board of advisors who are also your accountability partners. The function of this team or person is to hold us responsible for commitment to our goals, meeting deadlines, accomplishing goals, and making progress. They are a powerful combination of cheerleaders and coaches who make it easier to achieve our goals – and have more fun along the way. They may be hired or pro-bono in their commitments, however, our respect and adherence to their advice can go a long way…

It is a tough ride to find them from our immediate ecosystem or someone who we feel can add value to our goals and aspirations. When you enter into a relationship with the board advisors or partners, you agree to hold each other’s feet to the fire. Talking regularly is essential for maintaining momentum and making steady progress toward your respective goals. The partners could also be peers or teams who have similar goals and want to support each other. Holding each other responsible for the progress towards the goals. Scheduling weekly calls with the board to share the progress or challenges and inputs that could facilitate results, can build momentum to otherwise tough strides towards the Himalayan tasks.

The accountability partner needs to have some essential qualifying traits without which the purpose is defeated. Someone who is committed to your progress -growth, allocates air or face-time with you, tracks and course corrects and keeps you charged with feedback.

The selection can be time-consuming and cumbersome, but it’s worth all the effort if you are serious about your goals. Finding the right people through conversation and networking, can take you closer to your desires.The more diverse the group the better. For example, you can have people from various domains or industries or even seniority, to avoid unnecessary competition or conflicts. Ground rules can be set to stay focused on the goals and results that you want to experience.

6 Ways to get started in building a board of advisors for your personal growth are –

  1. Create a List -List down names of people who you feel are truly interested in your growth or have the traits you seek in the partnership. This could also be based on the chemistry you share which energizes you to move towards your goals. A combination of cheerleading -coaching and commitment, can build a strong foundation to get started.
  2. Discuss With The Target Audience – Once you have identified the people, have a candid conversation in terms of how you would like to get started. Creating a calendared discussion time to make it a committed journey, helps you gain confidence in the board.
  3. Record and Track -Making the relationship too informal can backfire, thus tracking progress and recording in emails gives a sense of professionalism & seriousness to the growth strategy.
  4. Transparency & Honesty -This is a relationship where you can honestly share your challenges without being judged. This board shouldn’t become an appraisal evaluation, the board needs to know in advance what barriers are holding you back …
  5. Ideate Together -Thinking through challenges and building solutions together can bring effective progress.
  6. Keeping the Board Motivated – By celebrating milestones and rewarding the board from time to time, you can also keep them motivated towards ongoing progress.

How often do you feel stuck in your growth journey? How do you get through challenges which seem to be featuring often? What is your way to clear roadblocks? Do have advisors how do they help you? Do share with us your growth journey. For support you can visit the link below:

Personal Growth Coaches & Advisors 

Published by Dr.Sonali Dutta Baanerjee

Executive Coach, Leadership Facilitator, Human capital Strategist, Author, Mentor, NLP Master Practitioner, L&OD Consultant

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