The journey to any success starts with peak health on all fronts of BODY-MIND-SOUL. A systematic preventive healthcare mechanism can help you avoid major ailments and also deal with the inevitable ones. The pandemic has heightened our awareness that co-morbidities can be fatal while dealing with various viral or bacterial issues.

Health can be measured in many ways and is often broken down into a variety of numbers and diagnoses that don’t often provide the best picture of what a truly healthy body and mind look like.

While modern-day western medicine has brought many wonderful and life-saving advancements, one of the downfalls of western medicine is the often siloed approach to health, which looks at the body in sections of individual symptoms and pieces rather than the whole system it is. Holistic health can truly achieve optimal wellness in the physical, mental, and spiritual sense, and supports our incredible body mechanism.


Holistic health or holistic healing is often defined as a form of healing that looks at the whole person: body, mind, and spirit. Holistic healing often involves multiple complementary medicines and alternative healthcare practices that can overlap modern scientific interventions.

Some of the Holistic interventions in the realm of health management are:

  1. Mindfulness -mindset – affirmation and visualisation
  2. Yoga -Ayurveda -Nutrition
  3. Chiropractic
  4. herbalism
  5. massage
  6. energy work (reiki)
  7. therapy
  8. acupuncture
  9. physical therapy
  10. general western medicine
  11. personal training

When all of these complementary therapies come together for holistic healing, a person is much more likely to experience wellness on a deeper level. While life expectancy has gone up to an average of 85-100, experiencing chronically high levels of stress and fatigue, consuming nutrient-depleted foods, and exposure to hundreds of potentially harmful chemicals in the air, water, has also become a part of our life.

For many living with chronic disease and undiagnosable symptoms, the modern-day healthcare industry has failed them, thus it’s imperative that a more holistic, whole-body solution becomes a standard practice to treat and support the health of the billions of people living on this planet.

This Panel discussion with experts from Ayurveda (Dr. Vasudha) -Western Science (Dr. Ajay) -Dental (Dr. Swati) -Mental -Spiritual healing (Dr.Sonali) have discussed 4 domains of holistic healthcare systems, that can help you work towards a healthy and happy life.

Key areas covered in the panel discussion are :

  1. Western Medical Science – Healthcare today has advanced by leaps and bounds to give cures for many deadly diseases. The COVID vaccine and its variation have been a saviour to millions in the hour of fear and confusion while diagnosing its fatalities and impacting large numbers. The Healthcare industry is facing a crisis to save their practitioners on one hand and dealing with ambiguity on the other.
  2. Dental Science and Impact on health –Holistic dentistry is an alternative to traditional dental care. In recent years, this type of dentistry has grown in popularity. Many people are attracted to its holistic approach and more natural remedies. Healthcare starts with teeth and mouth hygiene that determines how your body functions. The tenants of holistic dentistry are right nutrition, avoidance of toxins in dental materials, prevention of gum disease, regular care regime, etc.
  3. Mind & Spiritual life approach -Research today accepts the mind as the biggest initiator or healer of the disease. By your mind and soul connect you can direct your life towards a healthy living practice. Dr. David R Hawkin‘s research (renowned psychiatrist, physician, researcher, spiritual teacher, and lecturer. )has made a unique contribution to humanity, by sharing the different levels in enlightenment. His book Power Vs Force is a testimony of how our mind can control our life quality. As per WHO -“Mental health conditions are increasing worldwide. Mainly because of demographic changes, there has been a 13% rise in mental health conditions and substance use disorders …one in five people in post-conflict settings have a mental health condition.”
  4. Ayurveda and Yogic Science – The medical world today recognises Ayurveda as a science that heals. John Hopkins Medicine recognises Ayurveda treatment starts with an internal purification process, followed by a special diet, herbal remedies, massage therapy, yoga, and meditation. Ayurveda has been India’s ancient science and practice to cure. ”The knowledge of Ayurveda was passed on orally through a lineage of sages in India until it was collated into text more than five thousand years ago. The oldest known texts on Ayurveda are the Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita, and the Ashtanga Hrudaya. These texts detail the affect that the five elements found in the cosmic system – earth, water, air, fire, space – have on our system, and expound on the importance of keeping these elements balanced for a healthy and happy life.” (ART OF LIVING)

To know more about what practices and behaviors can help facilitate a healthy -happy -harmonious life, do see the entire panel discussionDECODE HEALTHCARE. We look forward to hear more from you on how you have been dealing with challenges during the pandemic and making a come back into normalcy.

Published by Dr.Sonali Dutta Baanerjee

Executive Coach, Leadership Facilitator, Human capital Strategist, Author, Mentor, NLP Master Practitioner, L&OD Consultant


  1. Sonali…the various holistic interventions which you have talked about in this Blog are very well conceived and all these are field-proven. These, if subscribed to. by anyone, in my reckoning, will have a salutary effect. There are two adages I have heard about, and their relevance herein are only apt : “Health Is Wealth”, and “All Roads Lead To Rome”.

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