Coaching Support

Executive coaching has become an immensely popular tool for goal achievement in the industry today. However a lot of the coach hiring happens only via agencies or TRP ratings of social media and not through interactive evaluation. It remains an unregulated industry in which anyone can suddenly decide they want to call themselves a coach or a trainer and start taking on clients. To realize the actual benefits from the experience, you want to make certain that you choose a coach who aligns with who you are and what goals you want to target in your life. Before this self development investment one needs to engage in a process of interaction and chemistry sessions; to ensure a worthy selection and not just someone who appears competent and find the ones who have the proper skills and training to deliver true growth.

6 Aspects to review while you hire an executive coach:

  1. Marketing Vs Coaching Skills -Coaches market in a number of ways. In addition to optimizing their websites for organic search, coaches appear on podcasts, conduct seminars and create content to present their philosophy and perspective to the public. However, these formats don’t necessarily reveal whether they are skilled in actual coaching. A good marketer knows how to speak to the desires and fears of their target audience, while a good coach also knows what questions to ask and what tools to use to empower their clients to overcome their specific challenges. While you can find coaches through marketing, make sure to do additional research into each candidate to make the most of your time, money and effort. 
  2. Commitment Of Time -Is the coach willing to commit to your progress and support you require, or is it a tick mark activity that both of you are engaged for the sake of organizational requirement. This truly is a two way process and even you need to take this seriously if you want value for your time -effort and money. Often times this exercise is taken as an ordeal and not as a method to create a growth path.
  3. Credentials -It is tempting to see a mention of certifications on a coach’s bio or resume and feel some measure of assurance that this person has received appropriate training and experience to do this work. However, the organizations that provide accreditation are no more regulated than the industry itself, so it is important to take the extra step of researching what training the coach has received. For example, there are some coaching certification programs that last only six weekends and provide minimal or no hands-on experience as part of the training. The hours of coaching is what hones a coach’s potential.
  4. Experience in the Field -A coaching certificate is not the only way that a person can become a good coach. Certification programs have only gained popularity in the last 20 years, and there are coaches who have been doing the work effectively for longer than that. You want to make sure that the coach has actual experience working one-on-one with clients as a coach. An industry leader may have the skills and experience to be a great mentor or consultant, but it takes specific training and experience to know how to be an effective coach. There is no substitute for actual coaching experience.
  5. Chemistry Discussion -This process is like an interaction/interview to assess the chemistry of you and your coach to leverage the best in class talent. This process also allows you to estimate what you can expect as a coachee in future. During this process you can also understand the methodology -tools and also support that you can get from you coach towards the goal accomplishment journey. Pay attention to their ability to ask questions and the specific questions they ask. If they jump to giving advice or solutions without asking clarifying questions about your goals and what success means to you, that is not coaching. You want the relationship to produce meaningful results and a coach can do that by being genuinely interested in your action plan and tweaks that would like to make to the same.
  6. Client Feedback -Reviews and feedback from other clients can be an excellent resource for evaluating a good coaching match. Coaches can often provide references who can attest to their ability to help their clients realize effective change, goal management and growth. When checking references, ask them about their goals and explore how the coach worked with them. What is the coach’s style? How do they help with identifying issues, accountability and getting unstuck? Don’t be afraid to ask whether other clients found value in the investment and be certain to ask about the coach’s weaknesses. 

Lastly, look for someone who makes you feel comfortable, but will also push you. It’s lonely at the top, often you will be sharing very personal aspects of yourself with your coach. A coach is not someone who will pamper you yet they would show you the mirror to operate on your canvas. Often, they will ask questions that might evoke feelings of discomfort because they hold up a mirror to show you things you might not want to face.

Have you worked with a coach yet? How do you select the best coach for yourself? Do share your experience as a coachee and a coach. Do explore our coaching chemistry session

Published by Dr.Sonali Dutta Baanerjee

Executive Coach, Leadership Facilitator, Human capital Strategist, Author, Mentor, NLP Master Practitioner, L&OD Consultant


  1. This is just one of those many remarkable blogs of Sonali, who, by any reckoning is an authentic Coach herself, and a lady-professional par-excellence !

    Wish this blog had appeared earlier…anyway, better-late-than-never.

    Sonali in her characteristic style, has enunciated threadbare, what distinguishes an authentic coach from one who is otherwise.

    Credibility and credentials, quality of experience as against exposure, are some of the pros-and-cons which one must look into when opting to hire a Coach. It is like entering into a relationship.

    This blog neatly explicates the ballast behooving of a Coach. Sonali’s blog serves as a vital check-list.

    Keep enlightening, Sonali…
    that is my appeal to you! Thanks very much!

    Liked by 1 person

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