International Youth Day| YouTH -Transforming Talent|

YouTH a program to transform the way we look at CAREER -ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND YOUTH Development.

The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.

Albert Einstein

Our Youth population is our biggest STRENGTH & ASSET in India! As against nations like Japan -Germany -Europe where the biggest challenge is the aging population, we are grappling with unemployment of our youth on one side and Youth innovators with lack of encouragement on another. On the occasion of International Youth Day today, we are launching our biggest initiative for YOUTH SHOWCASE, a platform for youth innovators to speak to their audience and share their vision and seek MOTIVATION -ENCOURAGEMENT -FUNDING -PROMOTION to their PURPOSE -PRODUCT-PERFORMING VENTURES. 

15 -18 Million People are joining the job market today and facilitating success for organizations, however, these people could be LIVING THEIR VISION and creating jobs both for older and younger populations across the world. As Parents -Educators and Custodians of this Talent pool, it’s our moral responsibility to revisit our advisory model to young innovators, rather than INSTRUCTION-OBEDIENCE. India is slated to be the next SUPERPOWER, so it’s time we believed in our YOUTH BRILLIANCE. It can’t be a coincidence that some of the best global companies and countries in the world are influenced by Leaders of Indian Origin, Satya Nadella (Microsoft) Sundar Pichai (Google), Kamala Harris,(US Vice President), and many others. Given the right environment -resources and advisory our youth can create many Elon Musks too… While the process has started a huge MOVEMENT needs to be created by our parent community to move beyond A SAFE JOB-A ROTI KAPDA MAKAN approach. We need many more DRONACHARYA’s to give the best to our YOUTH and also have clones of ARJUN, to create razor focus on BUILDING SOLUTIONS for our society and LEAVE A LEGACY FOR OUR YOUTH, TRUST & CONFIDENCE for generations to EMBRACE -EMPOWER -ENERGISE. 

Life is about creating the best experiences, and as long as we have the insecurity to clone our children for better jobs and sending them to a haven, we shall remain IMPOVERISHED. We shall be lacking IMMUNITY from DISEASE -DESTRUCTION -DEPRESSION by aligning to STEREOTYPES of safety net.
The Role of TEACHER -FACILITATORS -GUARDIANS is not to create more CITIZENS as COMPLIANT but to influence youth to DARE INNOVATION for the future. As we usher in a new world of conflicts-ailments, robots, automation, it’s time to equip our YOUTH with skills of abundance collaboration and connection. This new human race, can not only solve issues but also do justice to Darwin’s Evolutionary path and Maslow’s final level of Self Transcendence.
The program ‘YouTH’ will showcase YOUTH, who have already begun this journey! Looking forward to your PARTICIPATION IN THIS MOVEMENT to leave a better world for your HEARTS walking the EARTH beyond YOU. Life is unpredictable, so sooner you can TRUST your neighbors and the environment with your greatest asset YOUR DREAM -LOVE -GREATEST PASSION -YOUR CHILDREN, in a world full of innovative possibilities, the earth will continue to LEAD in this era of space travel enthusiasm!!! In the movie Future Wars, we see how our acts today can be a BOON or a CURSE to our children, thus let’s join hands to build a beautiful world for this Generation Z. For more TUNE in to this program on Youtube hosted by Bhaskar Natarajan PCC – Brought to you by Success Studios! The program will introduce you to new-age parents and young innovators!!

Published by Dr.Sonali Dutta Baanerjee

Executive Coach, Leadership Facilitator, Human capital Strategist, Author, Mentor, NLP Master Practitioner, L&OD Consultant

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