From Advertising to Acting| Story of Intuitive Passion & Purpose with Ashish Athawle|

In Conversation with Ashish Athawle

Life is more about embracing opportunities and creating a state of joy in every moment. If you are willing to experience the next growth milestone when the challenges are confronting you, you can live an enriching life.

Ashish’s story is a perfect example! He didn’t strategize much but intuitively lived every dream with the sheer need to do it. Every desire which he wanted to pursue, he found a way to move towards it, whether it’s MBA, Cricket, or acting. The most important aspect is taking the first step and being prepared to take the next and the next … Enjoying the journey while you accomplish every step along the way.

6 Take-Aways from Ashish’s life:

  1. Tune into Today -Every day comes with its opportunities and one can leverage the best if one is willing to stay agile while pursuing one’s goals. If one is not too engrossed in another’s journey, one can give more value to their journey today.
  2. Be Selfish to Pursue – Selling is all about consistent efforts in your pursuit. Being selfish while chasing your goals and keeping your efforts to materialize your dream is in your control.
  3. Action is more important than Ambition -When you are willing to stay on your pursuit irrespective of your challenges then life gives in to your purposeful actions. Every ambitious goal needs action before you start seeing results.
  4. Everything starts small – Ashish’s first voice-over graduated him to his next role as Tipu and then his role in a movie, all because he embraced the first small role that came his way. Rome was not built in a day and may not be built at times, but it’s always worth putting small efforts to enjoy the experience; which can be the beginning of something phenomenal in your life.
  5. Failures are actions that didn’t yield visible results – 95% of life is not the way you want it, yet the 5% is still your best game that can give you HAPPINESS -HARMONY -HEALTH and a means to experience your true potential.
  6. Nothing is Permanent -Everything has a shelf life, thus being able to transition from one phase to another in a graceful way is the true mark of success. Thus being able to move on and re-invent one’s opportunities and explore the best version of oneself every day is what can facilitate everyday accomplishment.

Do share your questions for Ashish. And also share your thoughts on how one can LIVE a passionate life. What are your ways to let go or experience new opportunities.

Published by Dr.Sonali Dutta Baanerjee

Executive Coach, Leadership Facilitator, Human capital Strategist, Author, Mentor, NLP Master Practitioner, L&OD Consultant

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